[CM] Absolute beginner question

Heinrich Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Wed Feb 17 06:15:53 PST 2010

> I possible to make one script in the command line (linux system) for  
> make this, like:?
> cm reich.sal

yes you can load scheme files using --load . if you add --batch then  
cm should quit after the file is loaded. here are the commands:

zippy-3:xcm hkt$ cm --help
JUCE v1.50
Usage: cm [options]
   --version	print version and exit
   --help	print help and exit
   --load <file>	load file
   --eval <expr>	evaluate expression
   --batch	process options and exit
   --quiet	don't print startup banner

On Feb 16, 2010, at 7:31 PM, miquel parera wrote:

> I tried with  --load but nothing happened. This flag works with .scm  
> files? I have no problem with the midi because I do not intend to  
> use it in real time. Perhaps there is a way of use cm in clisp, for  
> example?
> 2010/2/16 Heinrich Taube <taube at uiuc.edu>
> you can load scheme files from the command line, i could add sal  
> files too but its not there now.
> if you use the cm app you must open midi ports explicitly, perhaps  
> thats why things are not workding.
> On Feb 15, 2010, at 4:40 PM, miquel parera wrote:
> Hello. Apologies for my low level question.
> I tried to make a .mid file from te command line with a .sal file.  
> For example, with reich.sal example, but no works.
> I possible to make one script in the command line (linux system) for  
> make this, like:?
> cm reich.sal
> In grace works fine.
> Thanks
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