[CM] linux build problem

Dave Phillips dlphillips at woh.rr.com
Mon Nov 26 06:35:34 PST 2012

On 11/26/2012 03:55 AM, andersvi at notam02.no wrote:
>>>>>> "D" == Dave Phillips writes:
>   D>  'Transport::Transport(Transport::Listener*, Transport::TempoConfig*, bool)':
>   D>  src/Transport.h:224:50: error: 'dontSendNotification' is not a member of
>   D>  'juce'
> Hi Dave.  Seems you need to pull a fresh juce from git to build with.
> All the "sendNotification.."  stuff was changed in juce rather recently.
> If you already have the juce-sources pulled into the cm source tree it
> should presumably suffice doing 'cd juce&&  git pull' or something
> close.
> Just tested with a fresh svn co from commonmusic and everything went
> smooth this morning.

Thanks, Anders, that fixed the build sequence. Everything works 
perfectly in the build for KXStudio (Ubuntu 12.04). Unfortunately Grace 
crashes in AVLinux (Debian Squeeze) and Arch 64 when I select JACK in 
the Audio Settings. All I get is a segfault message. AFAIK all other 
components are up to date. Any suggestions ?



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