[CM] New user - a few questions

Heinrich Taube taube at illinois.edu
Mon Sep 3 05:13:28 PDT 2012

yes i need to build against the latest sndlib and see what the problems are, its on my list but i have almost no time lately to do this! ill try to have something by next friday, apologies for your wait -- its not for lack of interest on my part!

On Sep 3, 2012, at 6:32 AM, Bill Schottstaedt wrote:

> cmn is still supported in the sense that I'll fix bugs that look
> easy to fix, and I make sure it works in sbcl as new versions of
> that lisp come along.  It's not part of the SAL/s7 version
> of Common Music (I think Fomus is what you want).  Someday.
> I might translate it to scheme, but I hesitate -- it makes 
> heavy use of CLOS which I now consider a huge mistake,
> and I really only intended it to serve the composer's need for
> a quick view of an algorithm's output.  As I got more and
> more requests for calligraphic enhancements, I got less
> and less interested.
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