[CM] vim2grace - vim (or other external editor) integration with Grace

Phil Thomson phil at philthomson.ca
Sun Sep 16 23:28:29 PDT 2012

I'm very excited to try this!

Phil Thomson

On 12-09-16 12:51 PM, cmdist at nospam.frostglow.com wrote:
> I needed a simple way to pass blocks of source code from within
> my editor of choice (vim) to Grace/Common Music for automatic execution.
> To this end, I've written a small, simple program that you can
> download from:
>    http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=4218
> The program should be able to work without modification for any editor,
> not just vim.  All your editor has to do is write the blocks of source
> code you want to send to Grace to a fifo (which is just like writing
> to a regular file, so every editor should be capable of doing this).
> Detailed instructions for using vim2grace can be found at the above
> link.
>    --Sergey
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