[PlanetCCRMA] Re: Merging kernels (was: Apt-get repositories compatibility)

Mr.Freeze theremin@free.fr
Tue Dec 30 14:36:00 2003

Nice changing topics... like Christmas flashing lights?

On the ATrpms page (http://atrpms.physik.fu-berlin.de/) can be read the following:
"Please check out the following rpm repositories also. They are all activated in
atrpms' configuration."
Does this solve my is-it-a-bug-or-not problem? 
Does then "activated" mean what I called aliased linked: once I setup your
repository only in apt, will I retrieve from all the others mentionned repositories?
If yes, great! 

What if I live in Europe and prefer the IRCAM hosted mirror?

ATrpms containing mplayer...?
Doesn't Dag take care of that piece of software too?

Happy new year!