[PlanetCCRMA] Comments and thoughts on building the 1394 drivers via the kernel rpm process

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando@ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Tue Jan 7 12:42:01 2003

Actually at this point Fernando sends the email before it was finished

> - at this point you are ready to rebuild. What happens next depends on
> whether the patch actually added new options to the configuration
> process. If it did then you need to reconfigure the kernel (as detailed
> in the other email) so that those options are taken into consideration.
> If not, then you are really ready to rebuild. 

- to know beforehand if there are new options:
  cd /usr/src/redhat/SPECS
  rpm -bp kernel-2.4.19-1.1.ll.spec
  cd /usr/src/redhat/BUILD/kernel-2.4.19/linux-2.4.19
  cp configs/kernel-2.4.19-i686.config .config
  make oldconfig

  if there are new options you will be prompted for them... if you are
  not prompted, no new options and the configuration files are fine. If
  there are new options you have to save the new configuration as
  detailed in the email to Pato. 

- if there are no new options then rebuild:
  cd /usr/src/redhat/SPECS
  rpm -ba kernel-2.4.19-1.1.ll.spec &> kernel.log &
  tail -f kernel.log
  [this is so that you keep a file with what happened during the build]
and also create the i686 rpms (optional, you could test with the i386)
  rpm -ba --target i686 kernel-2.4.19-1.1.ll.spec

- install the rpms and live happily everafter. 

- hmmm, not yet, rebuild the alsa driver rpm to match the kernel,
  install it, and _then_ live happily everafter. 

I'm not suggesting you do all this, just wanted to let you know what is
involved (and get it into the mail archives for future questions :-).
Hopefully I did not forget anything. 

It is not difficult stuff, just a lot of work. 
You might be tempted to think it is a pain to do all this... 
well, to tell the truth, it _IS_ :-)

-- Fernando