[PlanetCCRMA] added: zynaddsubfx, mammut, ecamegapedal

Emiliano Grilli Emiliano Grilli <emillo@libero.it>
Thu Jan 30 01:00:02 2003

> Hi all, more software to play with :-)
> * added zynaddsubfx version 1.0.5-1, another software synthesizer. It
>   uses the alsa midi sequencer and oss for audio output. It does work
>   with the libjackasyn jack library. 

  Just checked out this one: it's excellent!!
  Thank you Fernando (and add me to the list of people that want to cover
  you with rivers of beer...)

  | Emiliano Grilli     |
  | emillo@libero.it    |
  | Linux user #209089  |