[PlanetCCRMA] Problems with cmucl

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando@ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Wed Jun 18 14:51:01 2003

> Hi, I run Planet CCRMA on a RH 8.0;
> Here's what I get if I run cmucl-cm-clm-cmn: 
> [ emillo@redmillo:]~ $ cmucl-cm-clm-cmn 
> ; Loading #p"/usr/lib/cmucl/cmclmcmninit.lisp".
> ;;;
> ;;; CM 2.4.0 (03/19/2003); CLM 2 (03/19/2003); CMN (02/20/2003)
> ;;;
> ;;; Running /usr/bin/ld...
> ;;; Done.
> ;; Loading #p"/usr/lib/cmucl/clm/ffi.x86f".
> ;;; Running /usr/bin/ld...
> ;;; Done.
> Error in function UNIX::SIGSEGV-HANDLER:  Segmentation Violation at
> #x40008337.
> Restarts:
>   0: [CONTINUE] Return NIL from load of "/usr/lib/cmucl/cmclmcmninit.lisp".
>   1: [ABORT   ] Skip remaining initializations.
> Debug  (type H for help)
> (UNIX::SIGSEGV-HANDLER #<unused-arg>
>                        #<unused-arg>
>                        #.(SYSTEM:INT-SAP #x3FFFE3A0))
> Source: Error finding source: 
> Error in function DEBUG::GET-FILE-TOP-LEVEL-FORM:  Source file no longer
> exists:
>   target:code/signal.lisp.
> 0] 
> I remember it worked in the past... anyone has seen this error?

Not recently, it used to be that for some reason the clm foreign
function interface would not work, sometimes, when used on a different
system from the one in which it had been compiled. So I ended up
rebuilding it when the package is installed. 

You could try rebuilding it manually, do this as root (all in one line):

/usr/bin/lisp -core /usr/lib/cmucl/cm-clm-cmn.core -eval

And then try restarting cmucl-cm-clm-cmn...
Let me know if that fixes the problem. 
-- Fernando