[PlanetCCRMA] troubleshooting snd-virmidi?

bernie arai bernie.arai@gmail.com
Fri Dec 23 15:10:02 2005

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hi everyone,

i'd like to use virmidi in order to use some midi software in STeem to
control some softsynths like ams or pd, but i'm having trouble loading the
module.  i tried instructions from

but when i tried to hand-load the snd-virmidi module (/sbin/modprobe
snd-virmidi snd_index=3D2) i got:

FATAL: Error inserting snd_virmidi (/lib/modules/2.6.12-0.21.rdt.rhfc4.ccrm=
/updates/drivers/snd-virmidi.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown
parameter (see dmesg)

where to i begin looking to fix it?  i'm now running planetccrma FC4 on a
fujitsu s2020 laptop (athlon xp-m 2100, 768MB).  back when i had ccrma FC3
on it the virmidi worked fine, and i'm not the most expert linux audio user=
so i don't know where to start.

thanks in advance,


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hi everyone,<br>
i'd like to use virmidi in order to use some midi software in STeem to
control some softsynths like ams or pd, but i'm having trouble loading
the module.&nbsp; i tried instructions from <br>
<a href=3D"http://linux-sound.org/quick-toots/4-sequencers_and_softsynths/q=
but when i tried to hand-load the snd-virmidi module (/sbin/modprobe snd-vi=
rmidi snd_index=3D2) i got:<br>
FATAL: Error inserting snd_virmidi
Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)<br>
where to i begin looking to fix it?&nbsp; i'm now running planetccrma
FC4 on a fujitsu s2020 laptop (athlon xp-m 2100, 768MB).&nbsp; back
when i had ccrma FC3 on it the virmidi worked fine, and i'm not the
most expert linux audio user, so i don't know where to start.<br>
thanks in advance,<br>
