[PlanetCCRMA] Drum Score Writing Software

drumkid@gmail.com drumkid@gmail.com
Wed Sep 27 17:20:03 2006

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After developing my drum patterns with Hydrogen I want to have these printed
in a drum score so that I can practise them on the acoustic drums. I've
experimented with Hydrogen's MIDI export into NoteEdit, MusE and Rosegarden
and are disappointed about the readability of the output. Therefore, I've
decided to write it by hand, and wonder if there's a dedicated Drum Score
editor for Linux. Thanks.

-- Henk

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After developing my drum patterns with Hydrogen I want to have these printed in a drum score so that I can practise them on the acoustic drums. I've experimented with Hydrogen's MIDI export into NoteEdit, MusE and Rosegarden and are disappointed about the readability of the output. Therefore, I've decided to write it by hand, and wonder if there's a dedicated Drum Score editor for Linux. Thanks.
<br><br>-- Henk<br>
