[PlanetCCRMA] [FFADO-user] Fwd: weird sounds rt firebox

Pieter Palmers pieterp at joow.be
Tue Apr 1 04:00:23 PDT 2008

Peter Hartmann wrote:
> I probably should have sent this here first.   BTW,  this is on a dell
> laptop 1.6 mobile cpu.   I'm just trying to run one effect with low
> latency.   Shouldn't be a big deal I think.

You are experiencing dropped packets. The 1.0.7 version of freebob 
doesn't report those as xruns. The most recent SVN version does. For 
your pleasure I've released this version such that Fernando can package 
it for optimal user experience ;).

some things to check:
- do you have dynamic cpu speed on? freebob doesn't like that
- what's your host controller make? (lspci -v | grep 1394)
- is your host controller's interrupt shared with another device?
you can use the following tool to check that:
if it is, try unloading the modules that it shares irq with. switch off 
wireless and wired ethernet, plug in your usb devices in another slot, ...

if you post the output of the listirqinfo script and of lspci -v | grep 
1394 I might get a clue. dmesg | grep 1394 can also help (after running 
jack for a while)



> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Peter Hartmann <ascensiontech at gmail.com>
> Date: Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 3:36 PM
> Subject: weird sounds rt firebox
> To: planetccrma at ccrma.stanford.edu
> This could easily also go on the ffado list but I think it's maybe
>  just my computer configuration.  I'm using
> with a Pre(son|suck)us Firebox.    Here's
>  an audio example of me playing a little bass through jack-rack  and
>  the AmpVTS plugin (although it happens with all).
>  hartmanncomputer.com/weird.ogg
>   /usr/bin/jackd -R -P60 -t1000 -dfreebob -r44100 -p128 -n4 -D
>  I have NO xruns at all with 11.6msec.
>  limits.conf:
>  # or (default) allow everyone access
>  *               -       rtprio          99
>  *               -       nice            -19
>  *               -       memlock         4000000
>  the stock Pieter Palmers /etc/sysconfig/rtirq
>  RTIRQ_NAME_LIST="rtc ohci1394 snd usb i8042"
>  RTIRQ_NON_THREADED="rtc ohci1394 snd"
>  Any thoughts on how I can get rid of the weirdness?
>  Thanks,
>  Peter
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