[PlanetCCRMA] Followup Question M-Audio Mobilepre USB and JACK/Ardour/Rosegarden

Roy Vestal rvestal at trilug.org
Tue Apr 1 19:56:52 PDT 2008

Roy Vestal wrote:
> Is anyone using one an M-Audio Mobilepre USB with JACK, Ardour, and 
> Rosegarden? I've noticed it is listed on the ALSA project's soundcard 
> listing.  I just want to see if anyone is using it before I buy one.
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I'm looking for 2 inputs (line/mic) and midi in/out. The Tascam US-122L 
seems to fit the bill too. I'm using a Thinkpad with CentOS5 ATM. I use 
JACK/Ardour2/Rosegarden on my desktop in the studio. I'm wanting to be 
able to use my laptop for some work at home.


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