[PlanetCCRMA] permissions problem with edirol fa-66

kuzh anan belgeler at seznam.cz
Thu Apr 3 16:21:37 PDT 2008

> Hi,
> It might be related to similar problem I had with the latest Jack and
> an Edirol FA-101 and this is what I did following Fernando's advice:
> I created the file /etc/security/console.perms.d/51-default.perms
> containing this:
> <firewire1>=/dev/dv1394-0
> <firewire2>=/dev/raw1394
> <console> 0600 <firewire1> 0600 root
> <console> 0600 <firewire2> 0600 root
> Then reboot.

It didn't help either, still: 
 Freebob using Firewire port 0, node -1
cannot use real-time scheduling (FIFO at priority 70) [for thread -1237111920, from thread -1237111920] (1: Operation not permitted)
cannot use real-time scheduling (FIFO at priority 60) [for thread -1237640304, from thread -1237640304] (1: Operation not permitted)
cannot use real-time scheduling (FIFO at priority 63) [for thread -1238168688, from thread -1238168688] (1: Operation not permitted)
cannot use real-time scheduling (FIFO at priority 63) [for thread -1238697072, from thread -1238697072] (1: Operation not permitted)
libiec61883 warning: Established connection on channel 0.
You may need to manually set the channel on the receiving node.
libiec61883 warning: Established connection on channel 1.
You may need to manually set the channel on the transmitting node.
LibFreeBoB ERR: cannot use real-time scheduling (FIFO at priority 74) [for thread -1239225456, from thread -1239225456] (1: Operation not permitted)LibFreeBoB ERR: cannot use real-time scheduling (FIFO at priority 64) [for thread -1247618160, from thread -1247618160] (1: Operation not permitted)jack main caught signal 2
no message buffer overruns

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