[PlanetCCRMA] installing 32 bit software on 64 bit planet

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Fri Apr 11 09:00:10 PDT 2008

On Fri, 2008-04-11 at 16:48 +0200, Fabio De Sanctis De Benedictis wrote:
> I apologize if this message is not pertinent for the list, or if I have
> posted more messages (mail problems days ago).
> I have this problem: in installing 32 bit software from ccrma, I receive
> failed dependencies about libraries installed in 64 bit version. So I
> can not install pd, for example, and other software.
> I have a Fedora 8 on a 64 bit AMD Dual Core. I have installed 64 bit
> ccrma software and everything run well.
> Can everyone help me?

I'm sorry, but some of the software has not been built on 64 bit Fedora.

One example is pd, another supercollider and yet another chuck. I think
the latest versions of pd would actually build on Fedora 64 bits but I
have not yet tried to update them yet. The other two are not yet running
on 64 bit operating systems AFAIK. 

Anything not in the 64 bit repository - ie: apps in the 32 bit
repository - has never (to my knowledge) been tried on 64 bits and
probably will not install or run. 

-- Fernando

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