[PlanetCCRMA] Bristol 0.20.5

Martin Tarenskeen m.tarenskeen at zonnet.nl
Wed Apr 23 00:38:36 PDT 2008


I have succesfully compiled and tried bristol-0.20.5 from sources 
(featuring some nice new (partly still experimental) emulations like 
Roland Jupiter 8 and Crumar BitOne and Bit99). The "./configure && make && 
make install" method worked for me, but I'd prefer an RPM package. But the 
specfile from the src.rpm that's currently in the PlanetCCRMA repo is 
not working with the latest sources. I have tried to find errors or 
missing stuff in the specfile, but did not succeed until know. If someone 
can update the specfile and RPM packages succesfully, I'd be grateful.

BTW: I don't really like the current solution, where every single Bristol 
emulation has it's own rpm package just to have a desktop startmenu item. 
I would prefer one rpm package, containing all these *.desktop files.


Martin Tarenskeen

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