[PlanetCCRMA] hdd repo

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Wed Apr 23 06:52:35 PDT 2008

On Wed, 2008-04-23 at 11:42 +0000, oliver hyde wrote:
> yo!
> I was just wondering how I might go about creating a ccrma repository
> on my pc's hdd since it does not have a net connection. I've already
> gone about downloading all of the rpms in the
> http://ccrma.stanford.edu/planetccrma/mirror/fedora/linux/planetccrma/7/i386/ repository. By the way I'm using FC7 and yumex. I installed the package signature and added the repository. Obviously the repository refers to an online destination, so I edited the base url so that the line looked like this; baseurl=file://root/planetccrma/mirror/fedora/linux/planetccrma/planetccrma/$releasever/$basearch
> the location of the rpms
> is /root/planetccrma/mirror/fedora/linux/planetccrma/planetccrma/7/i386. For one reason or another I tried to make it closely resemble the directory path of the online version. 
> however I get this error from yumex;
> Cannot open/read repomd.xml file for repository: planetccrma
> I can't find any repomd.xml file anywhere, though i have my doubts
> that this would work anyway. I tried the same thing with the fedora
> repository which did have the xml file, yet it still came up with the
> same error. 
> Sorry to ask such a question here, my searching only found tutes on
> creating a repository for a local network by mounting iso images. I'd
> like to be able to add files to my local repository as they become
> updated without having to create a new iso every time.
> any help would be greatly appreciated.

[it would be nice if you could send just ascii instead of html emails,
with my email client I could not reply inside the html block...]

To create your own repo (if you did not download the repodata/
directory) you need to have the createrepo program. If you have it then
do a:

cd directory_path
createrepo ./

Where directory_path is the path to where you store your packages (can
be anywhere in the filesystem). 

That should create a repodata/ directory with all the required

-- Fernando

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