[PlanetCCRMA] Noteedit and PlanetCCRMA

Nick Metrowsky nmetro at scarletandgray.info
Fri Jun 27 15:09:23 PDT 2008

Hi All,

I have tried to build Noteedit and tse3 on Fedora 9. Unfortunately, tse3 
will not build properly. The original author of Noteedit has come up 
with a replacement tool called NtEd. In order to use NtEd, one needs to 
convert Noteedit files to MusicXML format. The author does not plan to 
conversion tool as part of NtEd. In addition, a patch needs to be 
applied to Noteedit proper in order to support the "not" MusicXML 
conversion. The Canorus software, like NtEd, does not have direct 
support for Noteedit "not" files (though Canorus claims that someday 
they will provide a means of importing Noteedit "not" file). Both NtEd 
and Canorus are beta products.

So, if someone can figure out how to "fix" the tse3 compilation problem, 
then it could be possible to create a Noteedit distribution for Fedora 
9. This seems to be the best course of action for those who use Noteedit 
  in the Fedora environment.

Hopefully, everyone finds this information useful.

Best Regards,


Joe Curtis wrote:
> Martin,
> Thanks for the info. I had come to much the same conclusion about
> canorus myself. I had wanted to try noteedit as I am given to understand
> that it is a better interface between musicxml and lilypond than either
> musicxml2ly or xml2ly. I was hoping to prompt ccrma to restore it to a
> repository to save me the hassle of compiling it myself.
> Joe Curtis
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Nick Metrowsky                   | http://www.scarletandgray.info
3624 Oakwood Drive               | E-Mail: nmetro at scarletandgray.info
Longmont, CO 80503-7560          | Phone: (303)485-5696

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