[PlanetCCRMA] Getting rid of or disabling Pulse a good idea?

Jeff Sandys sandysj at juno.com
Fri May 22 11:59:57 PDT 2009

I have been playing around with pulseaudio and jack on F11 Preview, 
and don't think it is necessary to get rid of pulseaudio (although I did 
delete it from my current CCRMA-F10, because I was too lazy to figure 
out how to configure PA and Jack to work together)

According to this interview with the PA developer,
* Pulseaudio now automatically surrenders a device when Jack requests it
* Pulseaudio attempts to match the latency of the driving application

My limited tests with F11 Preview seems to confirm this.  Qjackclt started 
fine and I played zyn with a midi keyboard and headphones with no 
noticeable latency.

The developer admits that PA is not a replacement for Jack and plans to 
improve the PA behavior with Jack in the future.  My suggestion for F11 is 
leave it installed and write bug reports when PA interferes with Jack.  I 
believe that this is the path to a more robust Linux audio system that 
includes professional audio applications.

Jeff Sandys

Mike Mazarick wrote:
> I've noticed that many/most other people ... eliminate Pulse Audio almost 
> as a matter of course for any serious audio work with Linux.  ... because
> Pulse
> audio wants to make the latency as long as possible in order to maintain
> quality ...
> I would recommend either disabling or removing Pulse Audio from the
> standard
> distribution for CCRMA and enabling/installing it for the cases where it
> is
> needed. 
> Any other thoughts/suggestions/opinions?

View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Getting-rid-of-or-disabling-Pulse-a-good-idea--tp23659997p23676162.html
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