[PlanetCCRMA] Major problem / confusion

Bernardo Barros bernardobarros2 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 9 11:06:56 PST 2010

Yes, I would say "almost" :-)

Fernando, did you manage to compile fomus? I was working with fomus,
and I could just compile the old version (lisp), not the recent c++
port. I see there is the boost dependency, but I can't get it to

There is also this JOST for native vst host, this is part of any repository?

2010/12/9 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano <nando at ccrma.stanford.edu>:
> On 12/09/2010 05:55 AM, Bernardo Barros wrote:
>> Are you mixing 32 and 64 applications? Try to just install x86_64 apps.
>> BTW, Fedora 14+PlanetCCRMA has already everything for audio work,
>> including SC, Pd-extended and latest jack2.
> Yes and no, I have not yet managed to build everything in the Planet
> CCRMA side (including an rt patched kernel). You can use fc14 of course,
> just be aware it is not "feature complete" yet - whatever that is.
> -- Fernando
>> 2010/12/9 Donald Steven<t6sn7gt at aim.com>:
>>> I recently rebuilt my computer, moving to 64-bits from 32.  I've
>>> installed F13, the CCRMA core and my favorite apps.  I now can't get
>>> jack to work, and of course no apps that need it.  In fact, with pd
>>> installed, I now have two jacks (one 686 and one 64-bit) and one
>>> qjackctl.  Nothing works.  Do I just again from scratch?  Any idea what
>>> I did wrong?  Thanks for any guidance anyone can offer.
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