[PlanetCCRMA] Can't boot rt-kernel

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Mon Dec 13 08:56:43 PST 2010

On 12/13/2010 03:38 AM, Donald Steven wrote:
> I've got a good system up and running under F14, but I can't boot the
> rt-kernel.  I've tried:
> vmlinuz-
> * - rtprio 99
> * - nice -10
> * - memlock 4000000
> in limits.conf
> and pci=noacpi
> acpi=off
> It's a desktop 64-bit machine, that runs perfectly otherwise.  Any ideas?

What error or warning messages do you see during the boot process? (keep 
in mind that that is a fc13 kernel, there is no rt kernel for fc14 yet). 
Try booting without the "rhgb quiet" part of the kernel boot line to see 
everything that happens...

-- Fernando

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