[PlanetCCRMA] Installing CCRMA on Fedora 14

linux media 4 linuxmedia4 at netscape.net
Tue Dec 28 00:58:05 PST 2010

>> How do I install CCRMA on a Fedora 14 System?

> Hi Rocco.
> No CCRMA packages are provided for FC14 yet:
> http://ccrma-mail.stanford.edu/pipermail/planetccrmanews/2010-November/000131.html
> Fernando just added a new kernel for FC14 this week-end, I believe; so
> you will need some patience, or use FC13.
> Kind regards.

Thanks, I'll just put this Hard Drive aside until things are ready. 
Luckly, I finally got smart and started the practice of installing on a 
spare drive. Now I can put the original CCRMA-F12 back in and be right 
back to work.


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