[PlanetCCRMA] laptop audio interface suggestions

Peter Kirn peter at createdigitalmedia.net
Fri Feb 5 09:00:47 PST 2010

That said, it does seem to me that having a good "entry-level" -- and
more easily backpack-able -- option to recommend makes sense.

I guess I'd probably stand by my suggestion of either class-compliant
USB or the Native Instruments AK1. Speaking of which... time to put
that AK1 through some more tests, because I'm not thrilled with the
sound of the Edirol UA-25-based SPS-25. :)

On Fri, Feb 5, 2010 at 11:48 AM, David Nielson <naptastic at comcast.net> wrote:
> On 02/04/2010 01:52 PM, francis keyes wrote:
> Hey Daniel,
> Thanks for pointing the RME stuff out to me.  The Multiface with Express
> card option looks like it will do the trick...  and I agree with you in that
> I don't mind paying decent money for hardware that works well.  My
> question:  is there a software interface for these cards in Linux?  I
> currently use An M-Audio Delta-1010 with Jack and Ardour.  The Envy24control
> program is really nice for controlling level and routing in the Delta 1010,
> I'm wondering what exists for the RME stuff or how you manage this type of
> thing.
> Yes. The alsa-tools package contains two programs: hdspmixer and hdspconf.
> They almost exactly mirror an older version of the Windows HDSP tools,
> though the "matrix" mixer option is missing and the card configuration
> dialog is laid out a bit differently. These tools are maintained by
> faberman, who sometimes lurks in #ardour, #lad and #jack on freenode.
> And thank you for buying an interface from a vendor who (more or less)
> supports Linux. In addition to supporting on-going FOSS development, it
> makes our lives easier since you will have fewer headaches down the road.
> David
> Thanks!
> On Mon, Feb 1, 2010 at 4:29 PM, David Nielson <naptastic at comcast.net> wrote:
>> On 01/31/2010 11:20 PM, francis keyes wrote:
>> > What do you do with that RME Digiface thing?  It looks cool but has no
>> > analogue inputs that I can see.  The Fireface UC looks good but again,
>> > its USB 2.0.  Maybe the Multiface could do the trick for me...
>> That's correct: the Digiface only has digital I/O. (Except for the
>> headphone port on the front.)
>> I use Behringer ADA8000 A/D and D/A converters to get (up to) 24
>> channels in and out at the same time. More than you're looking for, I
>> know, but it's nice to have room to grow, right?
>> David
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