[PlanetCCRMA] RT Kernel Crash

Simon Lewis simon.lewis at slnet-online.de
Sat Jul 3 03:13:11 PDT 2010

Hi all,

I didn't have any crashes but abrt kept thowing SELinux errors on fc 12 
with 2.6.33-1.rt kernel. I similarly removed the complete abrt suite and 
haven't had any problems since...


Am 03.07.2010 04:27, schrieb Donald Steven:
> After some experimenting, I removed abrt.  Viola!  No more crashes, or
> do we think that it's just that there are no more messages and the
> crashes are still occurring?  In any case, the system runs beautifully.
> What do we make of this?
> Don
> On 07/02/2010 05:56 AM, Donald Steven wrote:
>> Thanks Tracey.  I've now had the crash with the stock Fedora kernel, so
>> it's clearly not a ccrma-rt issue.  I suspect a daemon and will continue
>> to work it.  It's definitely a fedora issue, as there are no problems
>> with centos, opensuse, etc.
>> Don
>> On 07/02/2010 03:40 AM, Tracey Hytry wrote:
>>> Thanks Donald, and you too, Jonathan.
>>> I can't really make much sense of the logs but they seem to vaguely like things I've seen on one of the kernel lists.
>>> Both of your logs indicated non-tainted kernels, which is something the rt-kernel devs can use.
>>> Most of the time when I was seeing very strange problems on this machine;  usually typing "dmesg" on a term was enough to get the kernel dump.  I'd scroll up from the bottom and copy over everything from just above the kernel dump.  Also, there was always "/var/log/messages" to look at.
>>> I'm not sure what Fernando thinks about it, but I'm all for posting bug reports for the ccrma-rt-kernels here on the list.  I'm sure that the stuff that matters will get forwarded to the right people.
>>> Just try to remember that the kernel folks don't look into problems with kernels that are running proprietary drivers, so if your dump says it's "tainted" instead of "non-tainted", you are on your own!
>>> BTW, on this machine I could never turn in a bug report because it was tainted with the "nvidia" driver.  I had to run the machine with the driver because it was an "sli" card and the nouveau and nv driver would not work with it.  I finally went and replaced it with a newer, but less power hungry :) nvidia card that works with the nouveau driver.
>>> When I was having crashes it took forever to find what was wrong, and this with a stock fedora 26.32.xx kernel.  Every crash would point to something else.  I eventually found the problem after turning off all of the daemons I could, and testing, and turning stuff back on until I found that the "cpuspeed" service cannot be used on this machine.  In my case I think it may be because I'm using an early dual core amd64.
>>> Tracey.
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