[PlanetCCRMA] Finally - a stable low-latency setup with latest rt-kernel and ffado

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Mon Dec 19 15:41:41 PST 2011

On 11/28/2011 03:06 AM, Filip Hoško wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> I just wanted to report, that after couple of years of trying and
> tweaking (and waiting, for sure), I was finally able to find a linux
> setup that will actually perform ok with my M-Audio ProFire 610. I'm
> able to get really low latencies, under 10ms (about 5ms in Ardour)
> with NO XRUNS at all. This is for the first time I got such a
> performance from any linux distro/setup.

Happy to hear that.

But of course here I come back from a trip (3 weeks offline) and mess it 
up again :-) I just released 3.0.12-rt30 for Fedora 15 and 16 (very 
lightly tested on 16/i386)... Of course you do not need to upgrade if 
the previous one works for you.


-- Fernando

> Just in case anybody would be interested, my actual setup is as follows:
> PC: laptop Dell Latitude E6400
> Audio device: M-Audio ProFire 610 (firewire)
> FW adapter: ESYS EX-6610E express card adapter with Texas Instruments
> XIO2200A fw chip (the build-in fw adapter in this laptop is Ricoh and
> it doesn't work much, so you need external fw adapter with a nice TI
> chip - fortunately the bridge in this laptop is Intel, not Ricoh, so
> it works well)
> OS: Fedora 15 64-bit
> Kernel: 3.0.9-1.rt25.1.fc15.ccrma.x86_64.rt (latest rt)
> FFADO version: ffado-2.1.0-0.3.20110426.svn1983.fc15 (x86_64) (latest
> from the repos)
> JACK: 1.9.7-2.fc15 (x86_64) (from the repos)
> So this is my system and I'm hoping I'll preserve it in a working
> condition. BTW, is there a possibility to freeze this config, so to
> prevent it from becoming unstable/non-functional after an upgrade? Can
> it be done with YUM, so I can for example freeze the rt-kernel version
> and ffado-version (and maybe jack too)? Would it be ok to use this
> rt-kernel for a longer time and not to upgrade it (considering I will
> upgrade others apps and parts of the system)?
> Thanks,
> Filip

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