[PlanetCCRMA] nvidia drivers help

Juan Reyes juanig at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Mon Feb 14 09:44:58 PST 2011

Hi Geoff,

What I did was installing akmod-nvidia form PlanetCCRMA before searching
on RPMFusion.

I was lucky because as of last week PlanetCCRMA's was still newer than
RPMFusion's, but since this weekend, there is a newer akmod-nvidia at
RPMFusion. If I am not mistaken, it is just a matter of waiting for
planetCCRMA's akmod to catch up.

If I recall uninstalling or downgrading akmod-nvidia could be a bit
painful at this stage.

I have not tried the spec file from RPMFusion for couple of months now,
but there was a hack to compile it on PlanetCCRMA kernels which is
solved by using Fernando's planetCCRMA's akmod.

  --* Juan

> Could someone please give me a few pointers?
> Maybe the CCRMA akmods package should be updated to 260.19.36 to match 
> current rpmfusion?

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