[PlanetCCRMA] Reliable version of Fedora using rt-kernel?

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Sat Nov 12 18:17:18 PST 2011

On 11/12/2011 02:06 PM, John S. Dey wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm currently using 3.0.7-1.rt20.1.fc15.ccrma.x86_64.rt as my kernel on fc15 running on a thinkpad T60p with ATI graphics.  I haven't been able to find settings for jackd that produce reliable real time performance.  In the past I could achieve latency as presented in qjackctl of less than 10ms.  Now I get xruns with latencies of 40ms and more.  The stock kernel is just as good.

What soundcard do you have and what parameters did you use for jack? 
(just curious).

> Over Thanksgiving I want to demonstrate the music suite of applications to an organist I recently met who has midified an organ.  I would like to take his midi feed and synthesize an organ using Aeolus.
> My question:  What version of Fedora should I use with CCRMA rt-kernel to produce the most reliable real time performance?  Thanks.

The version I have most experience with is fc14 + 2.6.33.x rt.

The tests I did on the newer 3.0.x + rt kernel performance a while back 
were not as good as 2.6.33.x in terms of latency, but that did not 
involve using real music applications on a production install. So it 
would seem that 2.6.33.x is still the best choice with regards to rt 
performance (I'm building a newer version of the new rt kernel, 

I presume you did have rtirq installed and working when testing the 
3.0.7 kernel, right?

-- Fernando

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