[PlanetCCRMA] Fedora 17 x86_64 hydrogen-drumkits 2006.03.03-2fc17.ccrma demo songs error

Lassi Ylikojola lassi.ylikojola at gmail.com
Wed Jul 11 10:38:34 PDT 2012


Trying to open a demo song from hydrogen-drumkits package gives me errors
and hydrogen refuses to play:

Hydrogen -V3

(W)     static bool H2Core::LocalFileMng::checkTinyXMLCompatMode(const
QString&) File '/usr/share/hydrogen/data/demo_songs/Groovy.h2song' is being
read in TinyXML compatability mode
(W) SongReader    readSong Trying to load a song created with a different
version of hydrogen.
(W) SongReader    readSong Song
[/usr/share/hydrogen/data/demo_songs/Groovy.h2song] saved with version
(W)     static QString H2Core::LocalFileMng::readXmlString(QDomNode, const
QString&, const QString&, bool, bool, bool) 'license' node not found
(W)     static bool H2Core::LocalFileMng::readXmlBool(QDomNode, const
QString&, bool, bool, bool) 'filterActive' node not found
(W)     static float H2Core::LocalFileMng::readXmlFloat(QDomNode, const
QString&, float, bool, bool, bool) 'filterCutoff' node not found
(W)     static float H2Core::LocalFileMng::readXmlFloat(QDomNode, const
QString&, float, bool, bool, bool) 'filterResonance' node not found
(W)     static QString H2Core::LocalFileMng::readXmlString(QDomNode, const
QString&, const QString&, bool, bool, bool) 'muteGroup' node not found
(W)     static bool H2Core::LocalFileMng::readXmlBool(QDomNode, const
QString&, bool, bool, bool) 'isStopNote' node not found


(W)     static int H2Core::LocalFileMng::readXmlInt(QDomNode, const
QString&, int, bool, bool, bool) 'length' node not found
(W)     static int H2Core::LocalFileMng::readXmlInt(QDomNode, const
QString&, int, bool, bool, bool) 'length' node not found
(W)     static int H2Core::LocalFileMng::readXmlInt(QDomNode, const
QString&, int, bool, bool, bool) 'length' node not found
(W) SongReader    readSong Using old patternSequence code for back
(E) SongReader    readSong
(W) SongReader    readSong patternid not found in patternSequence
(W) SongReader    readSong Using old patternSequence code for back
(E) SongReader    readSong
(W) SongReader    readSong patternid not found in patternSequence
(W) SongReader    readSong Using old patternSequence code for back
(E) SongReader    readSong
(W) SongReader    readSong patternid not found in patternSequence
(W) SongReader    readSong Using old patternSequence code for back
(E) SongReader    readSong
(W) SongReader    readSong patternid not found in patternSequence
(W) SongReader    readSong bpmTimeLine node not found
(W) SongReader    readSong TagTimeLine node not found
(W)     void H2Core::audioEngine_setSong(H2Core::Song*) Set song: Untitled
(W) JackOutput    setBpm setBpm: 110
(W) JackOutput    locate Calling jack_transport_locate(0)
(W)     void H2Core::audioEngine_process_checkBPMChanged() Tempo change:
Recomputing ticksize and frame position

Pressing play gives me following and refuses to play:
(E)     int H2Core::audioEngine_updateNoteQueue(unsigned int) no patterns
in song.
(W) JackOutput    locate Calling jack_transport_locate(0)
(W) JackOutput    locate Calling jack_transport_locate(0)

Drumkits seem to work when you do a new pattern.

Hydrogen version is

Obviously this not a big problem but it was a bit confusing when i was
setting up my alsa and figuring out jack problems trying to use those demos.

BR Lassi Ylikojola
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