[PlanetCCRMA] Fedora kernel-rt packagers? Was: Re: IRQ problems on P8Z68-V ProGen3

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Wed Nov 28 11:32:51 PST 2012

On 11/27/2012 10:48 AM, John Morris wrote:
> Hi Kaza,
> On 11/27/2012 08:04 AM, Kaza Kore wrote:
>> Doesn't his email say the kernel is the exception? IE, other packages he
>> used to have to maintain are now done by a group but the RT Kernel has
>> still remained with him thus far.
>> > >
>> > >> I'm glad to hear that... yes, it's been a long time... there's now a
>> > >> very active group in Fedora itself doing what I used to do every day
>> > >> myself, the kernel is for now an exception that remains in my
>> > >> repository :-)
>> > >
>> At least that's how I read it...
> It must be that instead of what was actually written, I read what I wish
> for: Fernando's packages to become officially shipped with Fedora!
> I'm helping to add rt-preempt support to LinuxCNC and to package it in
> order to make it easier to install and thus hopefully increase its
> adoption. With Fernando's and the LinuxCNC packages in Fedora, the
> barriers to entry can't get much lower.
> Ah well. I still draw hope from those qualifying words 'for now' in that
> last sentence. ;) Apologies for the somewhat OT posting on this list.

Yes, perhaps I also misread your question. AFAIK Fedora packagers only 
will maintain one and only one kernel. There is no opening for a second 
kernel - I think our hope is that at some point the rt patches will be 
fully migrated into mainline. But even then I imagine full rt support 
will be hard to get enabled in the regular Fedora build.

-- Fernando

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