[Stk] RtMidi Linker errors

malik martin laserbeak43 at gmail.com
Wed, 14 Nov 2007 16:12:28 -0500

with the docs and user advice. i have this setup in visual studio 2005
standard editiong
preprocessor: __WINDOWS_ASIO__;__LITTLE_ENDIAN__;__WINDOWS_MM__:
linker command line: Wsock32.lib and winmm.lib
code generation is multithreaded
MultiByte character set.

it's worked with all of the tutorials so far(i haven't done the examples yet,
since i feel like i learn more from typing the code.)
all of the stk sources and includes are added to my project. but i get
this error message(google didn't have much info on this one):

Error	26	error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "private: void
__thiscall RtMidiOut::initialize(void)"
(?initialize@RtMidiOut@@AAEXXZ) referenced in function "public:
__thiscall RtMidiOut::RtMidiOut(void)"
(??0RtMidiOut@@QAE@XZ)	RtMidi.obj