[PlanetCCRMA] end of MidiSport 2x2 thread has arrived!

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando@ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Tue Jun 10 19:26:02 2003

> Well, I upgraded to the latest alsa, hotplug, hotplug-base, and fxload, 
> reinstalled ezusbmidi, and all is well.  Cold plugging works reliably 
> (be sure to put usb-midi, audio, and snd-usb-midi in the blacklist file 
> of /etc/hotplug), hot plugging still works fine, all drivers are loaded, 
> snd-virmidi solved the other issue that came up nicely.

Shoot, I thought you were up to date! Most probably you had an older
alsa package, at some point (quite a while back actually) I fixed the
startup for usb in the alsasound script...

> Now, will this all begin again with the next PlanetCCRMA kernel and alsa 
> files that are about to come out next week?

Hopefully not :-)
Just new stuff that does not work, never the same problems, he he...
Glad it is working. 
-- Fernando