[PlanetCCRMA] end of MidiSport 2x2 thread has arrived!

Frank Pirrone fpirrone@localnet.com
Tue Jun 10 18:37:01 2003

Well, I upgraded to the latest alsa, hotplug, hotplug-base, and fxload, 
reinstalled ezusbmidi, and all is well.  Cold plugging works reliably 
(be sure to put usb-midi, audio, and snd-usb-midi in the blacklist file 
of /etc/hotplug), hot plugging still works fine, all drivers are loaded, 
snd-virmidi solved the other issue that came up nicely.

Now, will this all begin again with the next PlanetCCRMA kernel and alsa 
files that are about to come out next week?
