Chris Albert christopher.albert@sympatico.ca
Mon Mar 31 21:18:01 2003


Follwed the instructions to the letter in the Change log.
However, since I'm running RH 8.0 on an SMP  with an
nvidia graphic card, I had trouble getting the graphics(X) to
work with the new kernel. First, the new sources.list doesnt
have any links to the SRPM repositories and brute-force adding
the old links didn't work. This was necessary to apply the new nvida
install script NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-4349.run downloadable from
This script tries to automate the nvidia driver update and compiles the 
drivers for
the runnning kernel; however, without the new kernel source package, 
this script fails.

Until now, I had been running the 3123 version 
which I rebuilt against the kernel-2.4.19-1.llsmp ccrma package.
