[PlanetCCRMA] added: planet ho ho ho!

Timo Sivula timo.sivula@luukku.com
Sun Dec 26 17:14:01 2004

On Mon, 2004-12-27 at 07:51, Mark Knecht wrote:
> card. It's working fine. I think that only some Windows drivers have
> this >4K issue.

This is true. Unfortunately the SMC2802W card I have is not happy with

> Timo - you OK down there in the South Pacific? Write back so we know!

Fortunately the main Indonesian island is between Singapore and the
earthquake center. Hence, the tsunami never reached us. There were some
reports in the paper this morning on a small quake also here but I did
not notice anything. The other reports coming in from the mass media are
horrible: 10 meter high waves travelling at 500 km/h have washed away
complete coastal villages and tourist resorts. 
