[PlanetCCRMA] Why CentOS?

Matt Marian matt1 at mattmarian.homelinux.com
Mon Apr 7 08:18:19 PDT 2008

Hi All.

no flame war  here either - peace love and joy and all things Linux and 

As a musician , - First, PlanetCCRMA + Fernando and all others have been 
amazingly phenomenal.
I try not to miss any chance to post thanks Fernando et al .
I have been increasingly concerned with the life cycle of Fedora .
I run 4 DAWS  , most have been re-re-reinstalled with each new iteration 
of the core as new ones come out. My best one is still a setup with FC4 
on it. - its like a little mule that always wants to work
It becomes daunting to have to embark every 7 or so months an updating 
the other 3 since they are on the network and I need to ensure they are 
safe, so they follow the lifecycle.
I believe I would welcome the Centos cycle and slow down and just make 

Forgetting my needs for a minute, all of these packages have to be 
re-compiled and added to the new repo by Fernando , by the time one core 
gets all the kinks out  and is very stable and useful, its time to start
compiling and building new rpms etc. , my concern switches to the 
burnout factor by Fernando.
At what point will he just decide , ok , I'm  done. He actually has a 
life outside of CCRMA and many hats at the Uni.

Ferndando , how do you handle deployments in the music Lab? would the 
Centos life cycle make sense?

for the record as a user , I am happy with anything that comes down the 
pipeline, I will adapt to anything that is offered, I am not a "choosy 
beggar "
For all the " trouble " I speak of , it is by my own making, and a labor 
of love , having decided on the open source route,  I would not switch 
back for any reason.

so . thanks and keep making music.
Matt Marian

bhaskins at chartermi.net wrote:
> The last thing that I want to do is to start a flame war but I'm curious and
> may be missing something here.
> Why would one choose CentOS over Fedora?
> On my equipment, Fedora 8 has been the best Linux installation to date and
> I have used/tested most of them starting with .98.
> I really do wish that I could find some good documentation on pulse audio though.
> When it works it's fine, then it often stops working for reasons that I have not
> been able to figure out yet.
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