[PlanetCCRMA] CentOS 5 RT Kernel and IPW3945

Roy Vestal rvestal at trilug.org
Wed Apr 9 11:53:26 PDT 2008

Follow up:

Kernels >= 2.6.24 come with iwl3945. These drivers work fine for wep or 
open connections but do not for WPA and WPA2 as of yet. So the kernel 
that Fernando has compiled won't work for me since I need WPA.
http://linux.derkeiler.com/Mailing-Lists/Fedora/2007-10/msg00499.html As 
an example.


i just compiled my own "rt" kernel and it sorta works. It is 
kernel with the patch- from the rt project. I followed 
their example and compiled it with my .config based on the current 
working kernel. Long story short, it compiled and boots, ipw3945 from 
rpmforge works fine. HOWEVER, the only way to use rt is to run jack, and 
the other programs, as root.

Now in Fernando's kernel, it works fine as a user. But in my home-brewed 
kernel it didn't. What did I miss?

Yet another example that Fernando is the man!

Roy Vestal wrote:
> Arnaud Gomes-do-Vale wrote:
>> Roy Vestal <rvestal at trilug.org> writes:
>>> I just tried kernel-rt- The iwl3945 
>>> drivers don't work for me. :(
>> There is a newer version in the works, this is the one Fernando was
>> speaking about. I can install it on my test workstations tomorrow but
>> I don't have wireless hardware on these.
> I'd be happy to test it myself. Can I download this somewhere? I don't 
> see it in the repo yet.
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