[PlanetCCRMA] PulseAudio/Avahi

Len lenb_99 at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 7 11:02:36 PDT 2008

----- Original Message ----
From: Fernando Lopez-Lezcano <nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU>
To: Len <lenb_99 at yahoo.com>
Cc: planetccrma at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Sent: Monday, April 7, 2008 11:33:57 AM
Subject: Re: [PlanetCCRMA] PulseAudio/Avahi

On Sun, 2008-04-06 at 13:52 -0700, Len wrote:
> I notice there's a new sound server (PulseAudio) included with Fedora 8.  
> It uses the avahi-daemon to facilitate discovery on a network.  
> It's generating this error on booting the 
> kernel (x86_64):
> pulseaudio[3031]: polkit.c: Failed to show grant dialog: Unable to lookup exe for caller
> pulseaudio[3031]: polkit.c: PolicyKit responded with 'auth_admin_keep_always'
> pulseaudio[3031]: main.c: Called SUID root and real-time/high-priority scheduling was requested in the configuration. However, we lack the necessary priviliges:
> pulseaudio[3031]: main.c: We are not in group 'pulse-rt' and PolicyKit refuse to grant us priviliges. Dropping SUID again.
> pulseaudio[3031]: main.c: For enabling real-time scheduling please acquire the appropriate PolicyKit priviliges, or become a member of 'pulse-rt', or increase the RLIMIT_NICE/RLIMIT_RTPRIO resource limits for this user.
> pulseaudio[3031]: main.c: setrlimit(RLIMIT_NICE, (31, 31)) failed: Operation not permitted
> I took a look at the man pages for PolicyKit, but I'm still not sure 
> how to fix this.  How do I make PulseAudio a member of group 'pulse-rt' ?

You don't really need to fix this. The message means that pulseaudio
will not run with high priority but that is probably not a problem. 

Most probably you have to include the pulse-rt group in your user groups
(ie: the groups the user that you login as has). 

-- Fernando

OK, thanks, Fernando.  I'll try adding myself to the 'pulse' and 'pulse-rt' groups, just for fun.


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