[PlanetCCRMA] Installing on CentOS

Ken Ellinwood kellinwood at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 3 09:22:59 PST 2008

--- On Mon, 12/1/08, don.estabrook at gmail.com <don.estabrook at gmail.com> wrote:

> Now that you've had some time, has your CCRMA on CentOS
> installation
> been working well?

Not well enough unfortunately.  I just downloaded and burned the FC8 DVD last night in preparation to run a more stable version of CCRMA.  

I haven't experienced any hard lock ups, but have had enough problems with the audio/midi apps that I can't stand it anymore.  I successfully got my Tascam US122 interface configured and running, but jack didn't recognize the MIDI ports. My first/only attempt to record audio with jack went so poorly that I ended up using audacity without jack instead.

And if that doesn't sound bad enough, Firefox 'hangs' when playing youtube videos :(

FYI, on CentOS I'm running a custom configured 2.6.26 kernel with RT patches.  The default 2.6.24 RT kernel was taking forever during boot in the 'udev' phase and I think I needed the custom kernel anyway to get wireless networking to work (intel 3945).

So I plan on switching to FC8 and just living without wireless.



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