[PlanetCCRMA] Where are the kernel-rt-devel rpms?

Ron Fox rfox-f8 at hawaii.rr.com
Sat Sep 13 06:17:32 PDT 2008

On Sat, 2008-09-13 at 14:24 +0200, Mathias Wittekopf wrote:
> Ron Fox asked that question in his 2008-07-15 post, and I, too, have been 
> looking around for kernel-rt-devel without any success.  Obliged for good 
> advice:

Nando replied to my question and I found the package in repo=planetcore
which is enabled by default (if I remember correctly)
in /etc/yum.repo.d/planetccrma.repo

If that repo isn't enabled, the following should install it.

# yum install --enablerepo=planetcore kernel-rt-devel

Ron Fox
> Mathias Wittekopf
> Composer & Sounddesigner
> Bochum, Germany
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