[PlanetCCRMA] How is 64-bit? Want to run CCRMA from a ram disk.

Juan I Reyes juanig at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Fri Sep 26 13:12:56 PDT 2008

> I've been using 32-bit Fedora 8 + CCRMA for some time now, and I'm 
> loving it. There are a few applications that I build myself so I can 
> have the newer versions, but other than that, it's vanilla Fedora and 
> vanilla CCRMA.

Hi David

AFAIK, applications like Pd and Chuck are still 32-bit.

If I may; should I rephrase your first question to: is it worth updating
to '64-bit' at this time?.

Previous posts still report on '32-bit ' being pretty fast machines.

Keep us posted on your 16GB RAM machine!.

  --* Juan

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