[PlanetCCRMA] How does pam.d security settings work?

Simon Lewis simon.lewis at slnet-online.de
Sun Dec 13 00:32:15 PST 2009

This is not a bug request - I would simply like to know how the planet 
ccrma configuration works.

I have installed the planet.rpm from the core repo on Fedora 12 
(x86-64). The rt-kernel boots without errors or warnings. I can use 
qjackctl to start jackd in real-time. All-in-all a perfectly working system.

I noticed that etc/security/limits.conf was modified - the rtprio 
settings for jackuser and pulse-rt were replaced with the following lines.

## Automatically appended by the Planet CCRMA jack-audio-connection-kit
* - rtprio 99
* - memlock 4194304
* - nice -10

How does the wildcard * work?

Does this mean that all programs multimedia and non-multimedia can run 
with rt-prio? When used by any user?

What other settings were changed to improve rt-performance?

I would be grateful for any feedback to these questions, Simon

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