[PlanetCCRMA] How does pam.d security settings work?

Simon Lewis simon.lewis at slnet-online.de
Wed Dec 16 10:45:40 PST 2009

Hello Fernando

Thanks for your quick reply, based on your advice I have removed all users from the jackuser group, as the users should get access to the rt-scheduler over the wild-card.


Am 14.12.2009 20:59, schrieb Fernando Lopez-Lezcano:

> On Sun, 2009-12-13 at 09:32 +0100, Simon Lewis wrote:
>> This is not a bug request - I would simply like to know how the planet
>> ccrma configuration works.
>> I have installed the planet.rpm from the core repo on Fedora 12
>> (x86-64). The rt-kernel boots without errors or warnings. I can use
>> qjackctl to start jackd in real-time. All-in-all a perfectly working
>> system.
>> I noticed that etc/security/limits.conf was modified - the rtprio
>> settings for jackuser and pulse-rt
> (they were not replaced, they are no longer in that file but
> in /etc/security/limits.d/, I was not aware of the change when I
> released my jack package).
>> were replaced with the following lines.
>> ## Automatically appended by the Planet CCRMA
>> jack-audio-connection-kit
>> * - rtprio 99
>> * - memlock 4194304
>> * - nice -10
>> How does the wildcard * work?
>> Does this mean that all programs multimedia and non-multimedia can run
>> with rt-prio? When used by any user?
> The "*" means any user can use the rt scheduler. It is not related to
> applications but rather to groups of users. Fedora is more restrictive,
> it requires users to be in a specific group.
>> What other settings were changed to improve rt-performance?
> If you installed planetccrma-core (or planetccrma-core-PAE) you will
> have the rtirq activated to run on boot. That will reorder the
> priorities of irq's and other processes to optimize performance. That
> should be used with Planet CCRMA's jack package which has the priority
> of jackd also changed to match what rtirq does.
>> I would be grateful for any feedback to these questions, Simon
> Hope this clarifies things a bit.
> -- Fernando

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