[PlanetCCRMA] Repositories

linux media 4 linuxmedia4 at netscape.net
Sun Dec 27 13:12:17 PST 2009

Paul Schmidt wrote:
> I am currently on my second install of PlanetCCRMA. The first time I 
> used Fedora 10 for the base install. I ended up having to replace it, 
> because the updates from Fedora kept trashing the PlanetCCRMA stuff!

Hmmm... I've never had a problem with Fedora 10 (and the corresponding 
Planet CCRMA install). Read on about how to deal with Kernel problem...

> My question is this. How do I keep Fedora updates from ruining my 
> PlanetCCRMA system? I know that I will have to disable some Fedora 
> repositories, but which? I have the real-time kernel installed, and 
> Fedora keeps wanting to install their newest kernel. I do want to keep 
> getting security updates, but is this really possible?
> So, which repositories do I disable, and which do I enable?
> Paul

I don't know all the issues you're having, but as far as dealing with 
your kernel being changed, this is what you do to remedy that...

Edit the contents of the '/boot/grub/grub.conf' file (you have to be 
root). If you count down each 'title Fedora' until you come to the one 
that lists the RT Kernel, then you put that number in the "default=" 
area. Counting starts at zero. So even (for example) if the RT Kernel is 
the ninth one, then you put "default=8".

As you probably know, you will want to make a backup of this file first 
to be safe. Once, edited, reboot your computer.

Hope this helped,

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