[PlanetCCRMA] Repositories

Paul Schmidt paschmidt57 at gmail.com
Sat Dec 26 19:38:12 PST 2009

I am currently on my second install of PlanetCCRMA. The first time I used
Fedora 10 for the base install. I ended up having to replace it, because the
updates from Fedora kept trashing the PlanetCCRMA stuff!

My question is this. How do I keep Fedora updates from ruining my
PlanetCCRMA system? I know that I will have to disable some Fedora
repositories, but which? I have the real-time kernel installed, and Fedora
keeps wanting to install their newest kernel. I do want to keep getting
security updates, but is this really possible?

So, which repositories do I disable, and which do I enable?

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