[PlanetCCRMA] Pure Data on Fedora 21 - can't connect with jack

Piotr Komorowski piotr-komorowski at wp.pl
Wed Apr 8 05:18:23 PDT 2015

I have several problems with pd on Fedora 21 64bit:
1. I can't install pd-extended-extra. YUM complains about missing 'mpg321'. There
is no such package in repository, so I compiled and installed mpg321
myself.It doesn't help. I also tried 'yum install --skip-broken'
but with no success.
2. I installed pd-extended but I can't connect it to jack properly. When
I choose Jack as my Audio Driver (the same options as my qjackctl
session - 44100 Hz, Block size: 512) jack throws these messages:

JackAudioDriver::ProcessGraphAsyncMaster: Process error
JackEngine::XRun: client = pure_data_0 was not finished, state =
JackAudioDriver::ProcessGraphAsyncMaster: Process error
JackEngine::XRun: client = pure_data_0 was not finished, state =
It continues without end. Pd window "Audio Settings" just freezes and I
can't change my settings. Other pd options works fine. 
How can I remedy these problems? 
Thanks in advance.
Best regards,
Piotr Komorowski

PS. I've used planetccrma for several years now (from fedora 12) and for
me it's the most stable linux audio workstation. Many thanks for yours

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