[Stk] Installing RtAudio and STK in Windows

Uğur Güney ugurguney at gmail.com
Sat Jan 24 13:44:23 PST 2009

# Hi Gary,
# Thanks for your  answer.

On Sat, Jan 24, 2009 at 5:07 PM, Gary Scavone <gary at ccrma.stanford.edu> wrote:
> Hi Ugur,
> The problem is that the Windows support in the configure script is limited
> to "mingw32" systems.  If you can figure out what the host type is for
> Cygwin, then it can be added to the configure script.

# What is the "host type"? Or can you give me directions for learning
about this stuff? I am an intermediate (actually
beginner-intermediate) programmer and I am bad at compiling things
under Windows. But if I could be able help I'll be glad.

> If you want to compile without the configure script, you will need either
> __WINDOWS_DS__ and/or __WINDOWS_ASIO__ preprocessor definitions.  The
> __WINDOWS_MM__ definition is for RtMidi.

# Ok. I changed the makefile according to your info. and run it in
rtaudio-4.04/tests folder

CC=/cygdrive/c/Program\ Files/CodeBlocks/MinGW/bin/gcc
INCLUDES=-I".." -I"../include"
LIBS=-lstdc++ -lm
OBJS=audioprobe.o RtAudio.o

audioprobe: $(OBJS)
       $(CC) -o audioprobe.exe $(OBJS) $(LIBS)
audioprobe.o: audioprobe.cpp
       $(CC) $(FLAGS) audioprobe.cpp
       $(CC) $(FLAGS) $(SRC_DIR)/$*.cpp
       rm -f audioprobe.exe *~ *.o

# This time compilations of RtAudio.o and audioprobe.o are done. But
at the linking stage gcc complaint about "undefined references to"
Directsound somethings. I think this is because I do not have the
directsound library in the LIBS variable. How can I get a directsound
library? Do you know its name? Maybe I can search it with Google.

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