[Stk] Re-use of Stk code

Ross Clement rossclement at gmail.com
Sun Apr 17 23:38:25 PDT 2011

Dear all,

This is not an incredibly serious project, but I'm writing an audio
synthesis and processing library for Flash ActionScript. Yes, I know
that Flash ActionScript is not actually a highly optimised,
computationally quick platform for audio synthesis, but I'd like to be
able to do more with audio in Flash.

Are there any objections, or procedures I should follow, if I'm going
to do things like the attached class.


Ross Clement

package  uk.ac.dmu.tech.flashsyn
	import flash.utils.ByteArray;
	 * Generate a bandlimited sawtooth waveform. This class uses adapted
code from BlitSaw.h and BlitSaw.cpp from
	 * the Stk (Stanford Synthesis Toolkit)
	 * Original code based on algorithm by Stiltson and Smith.
	 * Stk C++ code written by:
	 *     Based on initial code of Robin Davies, 2005.
     * 	   Modified algorithm code by Gary Scavone, 2005 - 2006.
	 * ActionScript code by Ross Clement, 16th April 2011

	public class StkBlitSaw extends Oscillator
								// Parameter for FREQUENCY
		private var frequencyParam:Parameter;
		private var omega:Number = 0; // Current phase of the oscillator
		private var state:Number = 0; // Current state of the oscillator

		public static var FREQUENCY:uint = 0;
		private var PI:Number = Math.PI;
		 * Constructor. Just add the output port, and frequency and
amplitude ports. The input port
		 * is null, it's not possible to FM (or otherwise) modulate this
oscillator with an audio
		 * frequency signal.
		public function StkBlitSaw()
			output = new AudioOutputPort( "output", 1 );		// Create mono output port
			addOutputPort( output );
						// Configure and add parameters
			frequencyParam = new Parameter( Parameter.FLOATING, "frequency" );
			frequencyParam.setDefault( 440.0 );
			addParameter( frequencyParam );
		 * Init chooses a default starting value for "state", the state of
the oscillator.
		override public function init()
			var period:Number = 44100.0 / (Number) (frequencyParam.getValue());
			var C2_:Number = 1.0 / period;
			var rate:Number = PI * C2_;
			var maxHarmonics:uint = (uint) (0.5 * period);
			var m_ = 2 * maxHarmonics + 1;
			var a_ = m_ / period;
			state = -0.5 * a_;
		 * Process audio.
		override public function process()
			var ad:AudioData = output.getAudioData();
			var data:ByteArray = ad.getChannel( 0 );
			var f:Number = (Number) (frequencyParam.getValue());
			var increment:Number = f * Math.PI / 44100.0;		// Initialise a
large number of parameters
			var denominator:Number;
			var period:Number = 44100.0 / f;
			var C2_:Number = 1.0 / period;
			var rate:Number = PI * C2_;
			var maxHarmonics:uint = (uint) (0.5 * period);
			var m_ = 2 * maxHarmonics + 1;
			var a_ = m_ / period;
			var tmp:Number;
			for ( var i:uint = 0; i < bufferSize; i++ )
				denominator = Math.sin( omega );
				if ( denominator == 0 )
    				tmp = a_;
    				tmp =  Math.sin( m_ * omega );
    				tmp /= period * denominator;
				tmp += state - C2_;
  				state = tmp * 0.995;
				data.writeFloat( state );
				omega = (omega + increment) % PI;

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