[Stk] Titanic Calling

Ariel Elkin arielelkin at gmail.com
Sun Apr 8 16:58:04 PDT 2012

Hi guys,

An iPad app now uses the STK to generate a rendition of the morse code transmitted between the Titanic and the surrounding ships the night of its sinking. The morse code sounds are generated in realtime, and vary according to the ship transmitting it and the time of the day. 

It's now in the App Store: http://itunes.apple.com/app/titanic-calling/id514919851

And has been featured in the FT: http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/2/c106b3ea-7ded-11e1-bfa5-00144feab49a.html

Hope you enjoy it! Any comments, suggestions, etc. on the audio design are welcome. 

All best, 


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