[Agnula-Developers] Re: [PlanetCCRMA] Planet CCRMA menu

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando@ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Fri Feb 13 16:24:00 2004

> >> Which new feature of qjackctl are you refering to
> >> (I quick glance at the changelog didn't answer me) ?
> >
> > Qjackctl CVS can (I tested this a couple of days) now accepts extra
> > arguments to start an app after starting jack, if jack is not already
> > running. So the menu for Ardour could now execute:
> >   /usr/bin/qjackctl /usr/bin/ardour
> > If Jack is already running you get Ardour only, otherwise you first get
> > Qjackctl and then Ardour (once Jack has started).
> I've changed a bit the code path of this command-line wrapper feature
> (qjackctl The semantics remains exactly the same, but I would
> appreciate if you could check this out again (cvs up ?).

I just downloaded, built and (sort of) tested :-)
It seems to be still working fine. Now, I don't see any messages while
qjackctl is starting and, let's say, freqtweak is "queued" to be started
later. Maybe something could be printed to the display?

-- Fernando