[PlanetCCRMA] [PlanetCCRMANews] the Planet lands on Fedora 10

David Ford dford at ansur.demon.co.uk
Sat Dec 6 05:42:18 PST 2008

Hi Paul
Thanks for the words of wisdom.
That's certainly helped to put it into perspective!

Paul Coccoli wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 6:14 PM, David Ford <dford at ansur.demon.co.uk> wrote:
>> So recording a track with jack/Ardour, playing it back while recording
>> another track, and so on, then mixing it down to stereo, doesn't really
>> need very low latency?
>> I have to admit that I just thought to record music you must have the
>> lowest latency possible.
>> What sort of thing do I need to be doing to make full use of the low
>> latency? (i.e. what is software monitoring exactly?)
>> Sorry if these are dumb questions!
>> And if I'm doing dumb questions: Why does Ardour engine always start in
>> 48K sample rate even when I've set jack and everything I can find to
>> 44K1? (Burning a CD and forgetting to convert 48 to 44.1 is my most
>> common pastime!)
>> Thanks for any pointers.
>> David
> Unless I've gone nuts (happens quite frequently, actually), ardour
> knows the jack buffer size and compensates for the latency of your
> recordings.  So yes, crank up the buffer size.
> The only time this is bad is if you want to hear the affect of the
> plugins on a track in real-time, as that track is being recorded.  But
> don't do that; it's silly.  Apparently some singers like to hear
> reverb on their own voice.  In that case, split the input signal and
> apply outboard affects to one and monitor that.  The other case is if
> you're playing softsynths (not currently possible in ardour anyway),
> or if you're using the computer as a live effects unit.
> Not sure about 44.1/48k issue.
> Hope this helps and I haven't said anything misleading or incorrect.
> I haven't really used ardour in a couple of years.

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