[PlanetCCRMA] fc8 install

Oded Ben-Tal oded at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Wed Mar 26 10:53:00 2008

> I would try to use Qjackctl more than the jack command because the
I am using Qjackctl. And it crashed on me leaving the jack server 

> In order to get syntax highlighting on Emacs I have the following line
> on my dot_emacs:
> ;; turn on font-lock mode
> (global-font-lock-mode t)
> If you don't get automatic syntax highlighting when you open a Lisp or
> Scheme file you might need to set the 'auto-mode-alist' variable.

I do see syntax highlighting in both lisp and c files. I just don't get it 
with cm/clm - these keywords - with-sound, envelope* - need to be defined 
somehow, somewhere.